Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Words about: J Qosa - Abjures

for listening can be downloaded here: 1234567890

Track 1 - DVD 5
Not channel surfing, but distraction while watching TV.
Like you're drawing while watching TV. Playing with toys while watching TV. You know like you're half watching, half paying attention. I remember doing that more when i was young. I would usually be very involved in what i was doing, but sometimes I would be half involved in 2 different things at the same time.

Track 2 - Dialing Ended
Notes in a recorder for future novel to be made into feature length film with notes on soundtrack as audio backdrop to said notes. Also maybe some thinking noises? Well maybe i'm just dumb and relate staticy sounds to my dumb brain. ---OKOK--- So its a film about notes in a recorder for future novel to be made into feature length film with notes on soundtrack as audio backdrop to said notes.

Track 3 - Gettings Full
These are the illusions of rusty sound sampling or rusty sound sampling and also samplings of lives presented for our pondering minds to think about. Probably real, because hey who's a good actor nowadays? But I don't know that for sure.

Track 4 - Hawk
Multiple subsequent endings then meandering middle with a low bassy climax and then either an ending or a beginning

Track 5 - Old Cop
Heartbeat liquid in veins. Again more thinking, but like in & out of the brain. I am you and I am the viewer back and forth very quickly, listening & speaking. But less thinking about the present this time, more reflective or unconscious memory. I don't know what all that empty space is about but i keep finding myself getting up from my chair shortly before and then getting startled at the silence.

1 comment:

  1. yo so i got beef with this kid right. but i'm not even gonna front on it right. shit bangs in the whip.




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