Monday, July 7, 2008

Sonic Youth July 4th 2008 Battery Park Concert Review

OK first off, how many bands are doing double bass?
The last time I saw Sonic Youth was in 2004 and they were playing the Sonic Nurse material. I was so excited that i think I was annoying everyone else that I was with. Well this time I was way more laid back, but as soon as those strings were plucked I started bouncing. They opened the show with the revised no wave thrill ride simplicity of "she is not alone", and then preceded into "Bull in the heather" and I almost fainted! Then I had to jump around as fast as i could for "silver rocket", with an extended noise mid section. I felt truly blessed! But here came my ultimate almost faint moment, my heart was in a washing machine when I heard the opening arpeggiation of "skip Tracer". Then "the sprawl" into another revised no wave track "world looks red". "Cross the breeze" and "hey joni" were amazing and as far as i remember were conjuncted. "Jams run free" always makes me feel orgasmic as it builds up to that climactic moment of sonic progression, you know what I'm talking about. "The Wonder/Hyperstation" was great, they should've thrown in "eliminator JR." though... Last but not least "Drunken Butterfly" with Kim forgetting the lyrics, at first I thought it was planned, its like a diva thing to do. They went back into it though as Thurston joked "she's injecting the lyrics right now..." I laughed, we laughed, everyone laughed. I was worried that the song wasn't going to have the same sort of pizzazz the second time around but it did. I was glad.
1st encore "making the nature scene" which was fuckng awesome; and then the only other Rather Ripped track played "pink steam", another orgiastic feast of sonic explosion. We honestly thought that was it, as we started walking away saying how they didn't do "schizophrenia", which is a real treat. We walk like 30 feet away and see them come back out, what's this second encore? And I hear the drumbeat! Schizophrenia! WOW! But I had to get water, it actually sounded really cool from the distance I was at. They ended with "100%" in that newer (or as I understand since 95') sort of hip hop style. It was rad! We went to some semi-OK restaurant thing, I had some avocado chicken wrap and felt very satisfied as we drove a packed 1989 Honda Civic into the sunset in traffic.


  1. i concur but i would replace all the I's with you & i hear that orange juice is very pricy at that semi ok restaurant type thing

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OK first off, how many bands are doing double bass?
    The last time you saw Sonic Youth was in 2004 and they were playing the Sonic Nurse material. You was so excited that you think you was annoying everyone else that you was with. Well this time you was way more laid back, but as soon as those strings were plucked you started bouncing. They opened the show with the revised no wave thrill ride simplicity of "she is not alone", and then preceded into "Bull in the heather" and you almost fainted! Then you had to jump around as fast as you could for "silver rocket", with an extended noise mid section. You felt truly blessed! But here came my ultimate almost faint moment, my heart was in a washing machine when you heard the opening arpeggiation of "skip Tracer". Then "the sprawl" into another revised no wave track "world looks red". "Cross the breeze" and "hey joni" were amazing and as far as i remember were conjuncted. "Jams run free" always makes me feel orgasmic as it builds up to that climactic moment of sonic progression, you know what you'm talking about. "The Wonder/Hyperstation" was great, they should've thrown in "eliminator JR." though... Last but not least "Drunken Butterfly" with Kim forgetting the lyrics, at first you thought it was planned, its like a diva thing to do. They went back into it though as Thurston joked "she's injecting the lyrics right now..." you laughed, we laughed, everyone laughed. You was worried that the song wasn't going to have the same sort of pizzazz the second time around but it did. You was glad.
    1st encore "making the nature scene" which was fuckng awesome; and then the only other Rather Ripped track played "pink steam", another orgiastic feast of sonic explosion. We honestly thought that was it, as we started walking away saying how they didn't do "schizophrenia", which is a real treat. We walk like 30 feet away and see them come back out, what's this second encore? And you hear the drumbeat! Schizophrenia! WOW! But you had to get water, it actually sounded really cool from the distance you was at. They ended with "100%" in that newer (or as you understand since 95') sort of hip hop style. It was rad! We went to some semi-OK restaurant thing, you had some avocado chicken wrap and felt very satisfied as we drove a packed 1989 Honda Civic into the sunset in traffic.

  4. i'll be your johnny on the spot

  5. Keep up the good work.

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